25 August 2013

I have set up this blog for a few days, but had trouble to use it. Just now I know how to post a blog in it. Now I write this blog to record and test the method.

Post An Article

I need to enter the posts folder of the Blog system. Then creat a md file named “year_mouth_day_titles”. Then you need first add some code like below:

layout: post  
title: "How To Write In the Blog"  
description: " "  
category: instructions  
tags: [instructions, method]  

After this, you can use the MarkdownPad grammar to write your content.

After you finsh it, you can first test locally. If everything is Ok, you can push it to the Github.

While you should enter the posts folder, then use the command below (use this file as example):

git add 2013_08_25_How_To.md  
git commit _m "add a post"  
git push

Then will prompt you enter you name and password of Github. After this your post is added to the Github.

Remove An Article

If you want remove this article, you can use the code below:

git rm 2013_08_25_How_To.md
git commit _m "remove an article"
git push If you want remove a folder, you shoud use "git rm r ".

Note : For some reason, in this post I had some obvious errors. Because the Blog system cannot analysis some chars. So you should correct by yourself.

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