21 January 2014

The referential translation:

Computer are having a profound effect on social behavior. With easy access to processing power, individuals who, in every other respect, could be regarded as good citizens now find themselves indulging in unethical - and even unlawful - behavior. The theft of copyright software is widespread, while recent, well-publicized incidents of hacking, virus creation, computer-based fraud, and invasion of privacy have been followed by a rising chorus of calls for a new morality in computing and new laws to protect citizens from computerized anarchy.

Computers have affected our everyday behavior and have created a new range of social issues that pose ethical dilemmas for all of us. At the same time, siciety as a whole has become more vulnerable to technological failure becasue computers are often unrealiable, unpredictable, insecure, and unmanagebale. It would be nice to think that our school and colleges are helping make students more aware of this, rather than joining in the uncritical, headlong rush towared an ill-defined and ill-though-out high-tech future.

Does it feel like you’re being torn in all directions? Like you’re getting stressed out? Like every teacher thinks his or her class is the only one you’re taking? Like everything is coming down on you all at once, and you’re not sure you can, or even want to, withstand the pressure? Do things feel like they are out of control? At least you know you’re normal! Self-motivation is most likely occur when you can successfully deal with the stresses in your life. Stress depletes both energy and motivation.

Serveral thing, now, should be clear to you. First, self-motivation is directly related to stress-reduction. Second, stress is not always negative. Third, we are the makers of our own stress; thus, we can control it. Fourth, there are some useful, workable techniques for controlling it. We can create a great deal of distress for ourselves and commitment to reducing strss and thus increasing our self-motivation. The real heroes are those who doggedly andjoyfully work at becoming more loving and self-actualizing on a daily basis. There are no easy triumphs. Self-motivation is most likely to occur when we can successfully deal with the stresses in our lives. Your personal advance hinges on effort - your willingness to put into techniques for activating or freeing the spirit.

The world is exceedingly complex, and we should view attempts to predic its course or to offer simplistic and one-dimensional prescriptions for solutions with great skepticism. Scenarios provide a way of incorporating more complexity into oure view of the future and of focusing attention on the strategic choices that we face.

Humanity is no longer just another passenger on plant Earth. The sheer number of people and the scale of the human enterprise are now such as to have a lasting, perhaps irreversible environmental impact. Our capacity for destruction and potential size of the human disasters now possbilbe are huge, dwarfing everything experienced in the twentieth century. The constraintes of a finite struggle to teach their children to think ahead, to choose a futute and not just drift through life, it is high time that human society as a whole learns to do the same.

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