11 January 2014

The referential translation:

As the structure in the Middle Age is collapsing and the modern production mode is springing up, the fundermental changes have taken place in the significance and function of labor, which is particularly outstanding in the Protestant country, because people are in a loss what to do about the freedom they have just won, and keep wondering how to eliminate their doubts and fears by a crazy activity. Whether it is successful or not, this activity will decide whether his soul can be rescued, demonstarating that he is the one whose soul has been saved, or the one lost. Labor itself can no longer bring satisfaction and happiness to people, but it has become a kind of responsibility and compulsive activity. The greater the chance of labor making fortune, the more chance of labor becoming a way of purely obtaining wealth and success. Just as Max Weber says, in the system of “asceticism of seeking fame and gaining in the depth of one’s heart”, the labor has become the main factor and the solution to the lonelines and self-closing of people.

The traffic forms on land depend on more consideration of the aspect of politics, economy and environment than technology. Currently we can construct more solid, tranquil and skidproof roads, but we don’t do it because of high expenditure. We can install celotex on both sides of highways and design trucks with little tail gas and tire of low noise to reduce half traffic nosie. Howerver, we are unwilling to pay out for it. Environmentally friendly canvassers have exercised great influence over auto manufacturers so that they have been much more strict with the control of tail gas emission. However, we still take up a heavy responsibility and a long course in the aspect of air pollution control.

Sometimes it takes life-time for one to realize that to live is to give.

Culture is everything. Culture is the way we dress, the way we walk, the way we tie our ties.

Time is a versatile performer. It flies; marches on; heals all wounds.

Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom.

It is a well-known fact that the development of a country depends on the quality if the younger generation.

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