16 November 2013

My name is XinHailin, english name is ConanXin. I come from Beijing, China. I was born in April 1991. I am in the graduate for the last year in China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing.

In 2007, I entered the Henan Polytechnic University which is a key university in Henan province of China for Bachelor Degree. Major in Mechanical Manufacture and Automation, and fully study on various aspects of knowledge in mechanical engineering. The special courses include Mechanical Drawing, Theoretical Mechanics, Material Mechanics, Principle of Mechanics, Mechanical Design, Technology of Metals and so on. Then from 2011 to now( the graduate study in China is about three years), I am in graduate at China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing, which is a key university in China. To learn more knowledge and also for the love of a challenge, I choose Mechatronic Engineering. I learned the knowledge of electronic circuit during the graduate( mostly through self-study). I can degin circuits, use the 51 single-chip microcomputer and Arduino, combine the knowledge of mechanical and electronic circuit.

My master’s thesis is study on remote monitoring system of fully mechanized mining face based on virtual reality, this project is from National ‘863’ program. This project is mainly achieve the monitoring of the three major equipment(hydraulic support, coal winning machine and scraper conveyor) in fully mechanized mining face. The virtual reality technology is applied for the monitoring interface, it is the mixed-reality technology to be exact. Before I started to do this project, some one in my laboratory had been achieved the real model of hydraulic support real-time interactions with the virtual hydraulic support in computer, they just made this for interact or simulation test. What I have done is achieved the interaction design of coal winning machine and scraper conveyor, combined with the previous work to complete the whole system. And also came up with the thought of using the system to monitor, so a monitior interface of display the monitoring data was designed. Because of testing the system in real coal mine is difficult, we used the model of fully mechanized mining face and designed the circuit, deploy sensors to obtain the movement data of the equipments, then test the whole system. The technology and software was applied in the system include: Pro/E, 3DS Max, Virtools, C++ for secondary development of Virtools, the circuit design of sensors, the remote data acquisition and so on. Depending on the project, I had completed two papers in Chinese as the first author, and one of them was published.

During the graduate, as the project was carried out smoothly, so I had the time to do an internship for about five month at Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is one of the best research institutions in China. The time is from April 2013 to September 2013. I got involved with one project in about five months. The project was about the virtual surgery operation in remote. The hardware used include the force feedback devices. The software to display the virtual surgery operating was Simulation Open Framework Architecture (SOFA), which is an Open Source framework primarily targeted at real-time physical simulation. My work was studying the software of SOFA, and implement the force feedback devices and SOFA software interaction. The SOFA is not much used in China, the relevant learning materials are rarely found on the Internet. I was learning through the materials on the official website of SOFA. When I did the intership, I had no information to reference. Then at the end of the internship, I completed a Chinese document of SOFA , which is more than 200 pages. Completed the combination of SOFA and CUDA, which can make the SOFA run faster. And completed the force feedback devices and SOFA software interaction, the force feedback devices was used to simulat carving in SOFA. During the time I had communicated with foreigners via emails, got some help. The teachers and colleagues I worked with during my internship, we became friends.

In addition to the skills and software I had mentioned before, like Pro/E, AutoCAD, 3DS Max, Virtools, C/C++ and so on. When did the project in school, I had considered using other platform to completed the project. I had learned Blender and Python before the project, so I have tried to use Blender as the display of 3D monitoring, use Arduino and sensors to collect the motion data. And realize the interaction between Blender and Arduino. During the use of Blender, I translated and arranged the document of tutorial in examples for more than 100 pages.

About programming, I familiar with using C/C++, which is focusing on graphics and communication programming. I had tried to use OpenGL to complete the graduate project. And using the C programming mainly on 51 single-chip microcomputer and Arduino. As to Python, I focused on using in Blender, and some other graphics engine like Pard3D, PyOpenGL and so on.

Also related to the graduate project, and combined with the rise of the Internet of things, I learned the web programming in my spare time, like HTML/CSS/JavaScript. I had considered using the Three.js to display the 3D monitoring interface, and using the Node.js to read the sensor data. The idea is still not fully implemented, but I had using the knowledge to build web site.

When I was a fresh graduate student, in order to participate in a competition, I learned the software of Ansys, specifically it is the ansys icepak. I used the software to complete the competition.

In my spare time, I like design which include the graphic design and the three-dimensional design. In addition to the software I mentioned before, I also using GIMP, Phtoshop, Inkscape, SketchUp and so on. I had done something by using these software. Besides, the software and technology I had learned and used for a period include: SolidWorks, ADAMs, Unity3D, VRPN, OSC and so on. Other system and tools include Ubuntu and Git.

About communication, I had mentioned before, I had communicated with foreigners via emails during the study of SOFA, and got some help. I also have the good relation with the teachers and colleagues.

My hobby is writing, running and bicycle riding. I write daily summary and some other things everyday. I also insist on running every day. The furtherest distance I was riding is about 40 kilometers. In Beijing, I also like take part in some social interesting activities like lecture, sharing session, exhibition and so on. I also take up some courses on the Internet like coursera, udacity and edx. I can learn some interesting knowledge.

Chinese is my native language, English is the second language. I often read books and papers in English, visit English websites. I also built a blog to learn English. I offen translate some English content into Chinese. There has less chance to speak English at ordinary times, I think it is OK to communicate in English.

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