01 September 2013

Recently I need preparing for an exam, and need write some english essay. So I will practice my english writing here.

The details of my first writing practice is here below:

Many people have pets that they consider to be part of the family. Some studies show that owning a pet lowers a person’s blood pressure and help to reduce stress, while some think pets are noisy and troblesome. What’s your idea about hosehold pets?

Keeping pets at home

I like pets, so I think keeping pets at home is good. In some people’s opinion, pets are nosiy and may cause some troubles. But compared with the benefit for keeping pets, it’s still worth to have pets at home.

For some obvious benefits, take dog as example, many people keep dogs at home for secure. Pets can also bring about some fun. Many pets are cute, so playing with them can make us happy. Some old people like keeping pets at home, because they are lonely, and pets make them feel not lonely. They really consider the pets they keep to be a part of the family. So it’s easy to understand why some people feel so sad when they lose their pets. If there are children in your family, your children can easy to be the friends of the pets. They play with pets, and it’s good for their growth.

Even keeping pets have so much benefits, but we can not ignore the troubles some people donnot like keeping at home considered. But if we realy keep pets at home and consider them as part of the family. It’s easy to solve the troubles they considered. So if you have ability to keep pets at home, donot hesitate to do that.

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